Monday, August 31, 2009

We are still here

we are still here, just very busy, the children are all back at school..Cara in the UK heading to University, and Allan and I trying to regain some sanity after a very busy summer.
I will update the blog as soon as possible with lots of photo's and news, but just thought if I could let you know we are here, thinking of you all and generally enjoying life.
A quick update, Ben is now a fist grader, Alex a third grader, Jack is a sophomore, and Allan has moved offices...Tex is coming along and coach Jay is training her with us on the evenings, you would be proud of that pup..well large soppy black Lab really now, she will be a year old in 6 weeks..and Allan another year older in only 10 days.
We are heading for Labour day weekend next weekend, then it is into Halloween and then Thanksgiving..followed by lots of holidays coming up as well.
Our weather is cooling down now, we were so close to beating the all time recorded record of days above 100f, it sits at 69 consecutive days, but it had to last until Sunday and on Saturday it did not make it over we are cooling down...good news, been mighty hot for a very long time.

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